Izdelki za aminosyre pulver (16)

5-Aminolevulinska kislina hidroklorid - 5-Aminolevulinska kislina; 5-Aminolevulinska kislina hidroklorid; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

5-Aminolevulinska kislina hidroklorid - 5-Aminolevulinska kislina; 5-Aminolevulinska kislina hidroklorid; 5-ALA; [5451-09-2]

5-ALA ist ein pharmazeutischer Wirkstoff hergestellt nach cGMP-Richtlinien. Vorteile: * Wettbewerbsfähiger Prozess * Europäischer Hersteller * Registriert und freigegeben in EU und USA 5-Aminolävulinsäure ist eine Aminosäure, die den Ketocarbonsäuren zuzuordnen ist. Sie wird vermehrt in Tumorzellen zu einem rot fluoreszierenden Molekül umgebaut. Diese reichert sich in Tumorzellen etwa 4 Mal mehr an als in gesunden Zellen. Die Substanz ist ein Photosensibilisator, sie kann mit Lichtenergie Sauerstoffradikale bilden. Diese Radikale zerstören die Zelle, weshalb 5-Aminolävulinsäure z.B. bei durch UV-Strahlung verursachten Hautkarzinomen Anwendung findet. Name:5-Aminolävulinsäurehydrochlorid CAS:5451-09-2 Produktinformation:API Indikation:Tumordiagnostik, photodynamische Th.


Nous pouvons réaliser des mix d'acides aminés à intégrer dans vos formules de suppléments nutritionnels. Nous réalisons des mélanges de 25 à 100kg.
Čistilni prašek Niacinamid 5% 30g

Čistilni prašek Niacinamid 5% 30g

Real innovation, in contact with water this powder turns into a creamy and ultra-soft airy foam on the skin. Carefully selected, the active ingredients of this formula combine exfolia-ting action and comfort to remove impurities on the skin while providing softness and radiance. With this foaming powder, discover the pleasure of a cleanser who take care of sensitive skins! Burdock extract This soft and delicately sweet powder is obtained by drying, grinding and then sieving burdock leaves. Thanks to its richness in tannins and mucilages, burdock powder has a purifying effect, gently removing impurities of the skin.
Alca 2 - Alkalni

Alca 2 - Alkalni

Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti. Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora. Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio. Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
Tekovno Gnojilo - Aminomil-V - Aminokisline iz Enzimske Hidrolize

Tekovno Gnojilo - Aminomil-V - Aminokisline iz Enzimske Hidrolize

AMINOMIL-V es un estimulante vegetal del metabolismo de la planta, de efecto inmediato. Desempeña un papel fundamental en la fisiología de las plantas, interviene en la formación de proteínas y clorofila. Así mismo facilita la introducción de macro y micronutrientes al interior de la planta. AMINOMIL-V aumenta la resistencia de las plantas a las condiciones adversas como excesos de frío y calor, problemas de fitotoxicidad, plagas o enfermedades. Los aminoácidos incluidos son de rápida absorción por la raíz, por lo que consigue un mejor encauzamiento del agua y nutrientes en la planta y por consiguiente una mayor masa foliar. VENTAJAS AGRONÓMICAS • Estimulante vegetal del metabolismo de la planta, de efecto inmediato. • Interviene en la formación de proteínas y clorofila. • Facilita la introducción de macro y micronutrientes al interior de la planta. • Aumenta la resistencia de las plantas a las condiciones adversas. Packs de: • 1000 L • 20 L • 10 L • 5 L Aminoácidos libres:12% p/p Nitrógeno (N) total :8% p/p Nitrógeno (N) amoniacal :4% p/p Nitrógeno (N) orgánico:4% p/p Materia Orgánica Calcinación:50% p/p Carbono orgánico (Corg):24% p/p Relación Corg/Norg:6% p/p Residuo seco:58% p/p Ph:6 p/p Densidad (gr/cc):1,25 p/p
Fluid Col : Dodatek za proizvodnjo reoplastičnih, litih, proti krčenju konglomeratov

Fluid Col : Dodatek za proizvodnjo reoplastičnih, litih, proti krčenju konglomeratov

Fluid Col Multi-purpose additive powder, to add to a suitable mixture of binders and aggregates, for the on-site production of mortars, grouts and concretes that are self-levelling, rheoplastic, controlled shrinkage or moderately expansionary, high mechanical strength, chemical and waterproofing. The physical-chemical action of Fluid Col is an interaction of positive contributions and modifications: drastic reduction of the A/C ratio, shrinkage-resistant action, superpozzolanic action and reaction of ultrafine fillers (MICROSIL 90), which transforms unstable, soluble, readily reactive calcium hydroxides into stable, insoluble, chemically and mechanically resistant hydrous calcium silicates. Preparation of mortars, grouts, rheofluid concretes, shrinkage-compensated or moderately expansionary, high mechanical, watertightness and chemical stability performance, for structural slubs, anchoring machines, road joints, etc. Add the product in a concrete mixer, mixer truck or mixer, together with the remaining anhydrous components of the mixture: cement and aggregates, any polypropylene and/or steel fibres, etc. The indicative dosage, depending on the type of conglomerate to be packaged and its purposes, varies between 12% and 15% of the weight of the cement. After a first mixing, add the mix water and mix thoroughly, until you obtain a homogeneous whole and free of lumps. The cement dosage must not be less than 350 kg/m³. Fluid Col is perfectly compatible with the addition of fibre d steel and/or polypropylene fibres READYMESH, for the preparation of conglomerates composite s, fibre reinforced. Add 10 - 15% of Fluid Col to the weight of the cement present in the mixture. Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Mineral Plus

Mineral Plus

Mineral Plus
IMMUNPLUS - Ekološki Prah za Prehrano - DE-ÖKO-007

IMMUNPLUS - Ekološki Prah za Prehrano - DE-ÖKO-007

VULFI's Pulver ImmunPLUS macht müde Pfötchen munter. Echinacea ist eine der bekanntesten Heilpflanzen zur Stärkung des Immunsystems. Pfefferminze wirkt entzündungshemmend und antiviral. MultiKomplexFormel: ausgewählte Kräuter zur Unterstützung des Immunsystems mit Echinacea, Ginseng & Enzian alle Zutaten in BIO-Qualität 200 Gramm Inhalt
Oktohidroksaminska kislina - Kozmetični antibakterijski kemični konzervans

Oktohidroksaminska kislina - Kozmetični antibakterijski kemični konzervans

Caprylhydroxamic acid, an ideal organic acid, has excellent anti-bacterial activity at neutral pH, and can be used in a formula system free of chemical preservative. Caprylhydroxamic acid is an organic acid that keeps the non-ionizing state in the whole process from acid to neutral, an optimal anti-bacterial organic acid. With the high chelation effect, it can inhibit the active elements required for molds and limit the environment required for microbial growth. Caprylhydroxamic acid is compatible with the majority of raw materials, not affected by surfactant, protein or other raw materials in the system, able to compound with alcohol, glycol and other preservatives. It can be added at normal temperature under high temperature condition, widely used in gel, essence, emulsion, cream, shampoo, shower and other skin care and hair care products. CAS. No:7377-03-9 Synonyms:Octanohydroxamic Acid,N-Hydroxyl Octanamide Application:Cosmetic Preserative


DERAMINE; organik, çevre dostu ve kullanımı kolay bir üründür. Metal yüzeylerde film oluşturan poliamin yapılı bir bileşiktir. Buhar kazanlarında, kondens hatlarında, kapalı devre ısıtma-soğutma sistemlerinde, soğutma kulelerinde ve flushing işlemlerinde kullanılmak üzere farklı türleri bulunmaktadır. Deramine-S (Buhar Kazanları): Metal yüzeyler üzerinde koruyucu bir film tabakası oluşturarak korozyonu önler. Hidrofobik yapısı sayesinde yüzeyi su ile izole eder ve kireç oluşumunu engeller. Deramine-C (Kapalı Devre Isıtma-Soğutma Sistemleri): Uzun süreli korozyon koruması sağlar. Polyamine teknolojisi ile nitrit ve molibdat uygulamalarına göre daha iyi koruma sunar. Deramine-O (Soğutma Kuleleri): Kireç ve korozyonu önlemek için tasarlanmıştır. Metal yüzeylerde koruyucu bir film tabakası oluşturur ve bakır malzemeleri korur. Deramine-F (Flushing İşlemleri): Nötr yıkama işlemi uygulayarak metal yüzeyde hasar oluşturmaz. Flushing işlemi sırasında sisteme koruma sağlar. Deramine serisi, su şartlandırma süreçlerinde etkin koruma ve verimlilik sunar.
Arnikova mazilo

Arnikova mazilo

The nourishing cosiMed Arnica Ointment contains valuable Arnica extract, skin-regenerating Panthenol and skin-protecting Vitamin E. It is suitable for the care of dry and stressed skin.
Aktivno Oglje Nadomestna Polnitev Konzerva Srednja 0,75 L

Aktivno Oglje Nadomestna Polnitev Konzerva Srednja 0,75 L

Aktivkohle Ersatzfüllung Dose mittel 0,75 l


INOX adhesion enhancer, also known as tackifier, improves the adhesion of oils and will lead to stringing. They are typically used in saw chain oils or bio-lubricants. The INOX adhesive concentrates are partially biodegradable and meet the requirements of RAL-UZ 178 for the “Blue Angel” eco-label. item number:1460534 packing:250 L
Alca 1 - Alkalni

Alca 1 - Alkalni

Il nostro alcalino sgrassante è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti. Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, questo prodotto è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora. Il nostro alcalino sgrassante, usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi all’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio. Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
Tekovno Gnojilo - Aminomil-V - Aminokisline iz Enzimske Hidrolize

Tekovno Gnojilo - Aminomil-V - Aminokisline iz Enzimske Hidrolize

AMINOMIL-V est un stimulant du métabolisme végétal à effet immédiat. Il joue un rôle fondamental dans la physiologie des plantes et intervient dans la formation des protéines et de la chlorophylle. Il facilite également l'introduction des macro et micronutriments dans la plante. AMINOMIL-V augmente la résistance des plantes aux conditions défavorables telles que le froid et la chaleur excessifs, les problèmes de phytotoxicité, les ravageurs et les maladies. Les acides aminés qu'il contient permettent une meilleure canalisation de l'eau et des nutriments dans la plante et, par conséquent, une masse foliaire plus importante. AVANTAGES AGRONOMIQUES - Stimulant du métabolisme végétal à effet immédiat. - Participe à la formation des protéines et de la chlorophylle. - Facilite l'introduction des macro et micronutriments dans la plante. - Augmente la résistance des plantes aux conditions défavorables. Emballages de : - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Acides aminés libres:12% p/p Azote (N) total:8% p/p Azote (N) ammoniacal:4% p/p Azote (N) organique:4% p/p Matière organique calcination:50% p/p Carbone organique (corg):24% p/p Relation Corg/Norg:6% p/p Résidu sec:58% p/p pH:6 p/p Densité (gr/cc):1,25 p/p